Live your life today and enjoy the little things

I wasn’t expecting to start off this month’s update with some somber news, but I had to mention it since I thoroughly was a fan of the show Mythbusters back when it was on air. I watched every season from start to finish, and naturally grew closer to the cast by proxy. Although the death of Jessie Combs was also tragic; it can be said that Grant Imahara was part of the show family in a more permanent fashion. None the less, it’s a good reminder to live your life as much as possible while you can now and enjoy all the little things. Rest in peace Grant.

Onto more uplifting news, I stumbled upon a website I think everyone should pay a visit to, and that site deals with artful miniatures. It’s called Minimiam and it will take you down a rabbit hole for hours - I promise. Make sure to turn off your ad-blocker as it will prevent the gallery from showing up properly.

Back during my college days (many moons ago mind you!) I actually was into Japanese miniatures from a company named Re-Ment. Why miniatures you might ask? Well in college it was a relatively cheap, time consuming hobby that took my mind away from the stress of being thrown into the o’l collegiate system. An old professor actually recommended I get into ship building in a bottle as a hobby. Although he made a strong impression in me to give it a shot; I was hard pressed to find an easy source of supplies for the hobby. The actual cost of the tools and supplies was very high as well. Enter Re-Ment and their affordable pre-built model kits that have an extremely high level of detail for what they are. I already recommend a YouTube channel that has some Re-Ment videos on it, so I’ll link one for your reference down below.

Onto more mainstream news, Unsolved Mysteries is back baby! I binged watched the reboot on Netflix and was happy to see the series back, even though it honestly could of been a lot better overall. But this isn’t a show critic site; so I’ll just say you should definitely check it out if you’ve never heard of the original and keep your eyes peeled for upcoming seasons. It’s a mix of crime and paranormal documentaries and is perfect fodder material for those of us still stuck behind doors. I also highly advise you check out the very long original series if you can find it somewhere online. Although very dated by today’s standards in terms of production, a lot of the stories are still fascinating and creepy.

I end this update with of course a waifu just in case people from my YouTube channel spill over and think they’re reading the wrong site. Personally I would skip the anime and go straight for the manga! Happy reading!