Exploring The World From Home

October’s rolling around again so I thought it would be appropriate to talk about exploring dying and dead things in this month’s blog post. The mainstream stuff will be first as always before diving into the more obscure things for my visitors who (mostly) come from around the globe. I’m flattered that anyone finds my site interesting - even more so people from overseas!

I’ve always been an advocate for “the beauty in decay” in which I am referring to the appreciation of rotting stuff. Much like archeologists can learn from studying ancient ruins; I believe we can learn a lot from exploring modern abandoned places. I’ve always been fascinated with Urbex in general because of this (as implied heavily with my recommendations on The List) and it strikes a special chord with me when other people feel the same way. In any case, I have a new Urbex channel to recommend you check out this month alongside a documentary on a dying mall. I hope you find them both entertaining enough to be a gateway drug to what many colloquially consider “Ruin Porn”. The documentary (Jasper Mall) is recently released, so it’s not available online for free to watch. I would encourage if you like what you see from the trailer to consider supporting the creators and renting or buying the video. If you have Amazon Prime however - it’s included with your subscription here.

Moving onto my gaming and anime related stuff - I recently made a new vlog on the community tab on my YouTube channel talking about how I specifically test games once I pick them out. You can watch it down below here if you haven’t already done so. More than likely you found this website out from my YouTube channel, so I would advise you keep the community section bookmarked as I try to update over there as much as possible with smaller incremental stuff as it becomes available.

I end this month’s update with an image of Fenebeth - a character I wanted to use but ultimately could not in the game Illusion Connect. You can find all the details by watching the video above. Farewell Fenebeth - I hardly knew ye! See you guys next month!