Travelling without going anywhere

Another month stuck at home, another chance for all of us to expand our horizons into other people’s lives. One of the things I always wanted to do with the blog was to make sure to highlight the obscure but awesome out in the world. In this month’s update let’s talk about historical odd balls and the living odd balls first before the obligatory gaming stuff most folks know me for from YouTube.

You like scary or freaky stuff? I do too. It’s even better when it actually happened. The series I’m about to recommend you is called True Nightmares and is actually based on historical events that took place. Todd Robbins sells the show with his narration, while the actual tales themselves should grab their hooks into you. The trailer below doesn’t really do it justice (it’s just a montage of clips from one of the episodes) but unfortunately it is the only official trailer I could find and use. Off the record the show has quite the following, so a lot of its episodes are on YouTube “in the wild”; just pretend you didn’t hear that from me.

Next up let’s talk about theaters. You know - those places that are completely closed off for the time being for “social distancing” initiatives. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to go to a theater and watch from the comfort of your car while observing that mandate? As a matter of fact when I was a younger lad, I am certain things like that existed. There are good folks out there trying to keep these places alive, and the focus of my next suggestion in a documentary called At the Drive-In. I won’t spoil much about the film on films; but I will be happy to note that it’s currently “free with ads” on sites Vudu and Tubi for the time being.

Growing up enjoying all things mechanical but absolutely sucking at all things math related; I am always envious of those who make a living dealing with such things. If you ever grew up with arcades like I did, then Pinball might be something you may of passed on by or even played during your formative years. Although not a hardcore fan or hobbyist myself, I do appreciate the medium. This little documentary is a bite sized introduction into that world and I hope you find it as interesting as I did.

If you somehow stumbled upon my blog coming over from my YouTube page, you’re probably expecting giant anime breasts to burst out on the screen. In that regard you might be both disappointed that I’m interested in a lot of other stuff; (I mean that too, check out the past updates!) but also in luck that I am constantly on the look out for games “on the lewder side” that actually have decent game play. Something that I came across recently is Eiyuu Senki War Wonder (英雄*戦姫WWX) which is a Japanese DMM game that is grid based strategy mixed with Waifus similar to the great Last Origin I’ve talked about extensively on the channel. That being said I want to warn you that playing this game is a daunting task as it requires you to blindly navigate DMM Japan’s site for the game and to register an account. Luckily DMM JP now allows foreigner registration for an account (you don’t need a VPN to play) but that doesn’t mean the game is translated. You’re going to have to flail about on your own, but at the very least there’s this wiki here that should help you out. If your heart is filled with burning passion for more waifus out there (as it should be) then you’ll square your shoulders for the daunting task at hand and figure things out to play the game. Good luck solider!

I know it sucks staying indoors amid the current conditions out there. I just want to remind you to take this time and fully explore things you probably didn’t have time to in the past or never thought of examining in detail. You might just find something you really like that was there all along. As always I’ll see you guys next month with (hopefully) new things to talk about.